We spent Thanksgiving up at my parents house in the White Mountains in eastern AZ for the second year in a row. One of these years we will finally decide to cook our own turkey, but when it’s available and delicious…why not let someone else do all the work. We spent four days just hanging out and having fun with family. The kids were very excited because it snowed while we were there too.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Halloween 2008
OK…So we have been real terrible about keeping our blog updated. So, here is what we have been up to over the last two months…..
Here are some pictures of our pumpkin carving night. We learned that you should not carve your pumpkins a week before Halloween in AZ because they will be shriveled and rotten due to the warm weather. Next year we will carve them only a day or two before the big night.
For Halloween we spent the evening with our friends the Millers. We had a great time trick-or-treating around their neighborhood, and then hanging out at their house afterwards playing Guitar Hero and eating lots of Candy. Here are a few pics….
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Pumpkin Patch
We went to the pumpkin patch the week before Halloween for our family home evening. The kids had fun picking out their own pumpkin and playing in the bounce house. Here is a slideshow of our night…
Kaleb’s First Pinewood Derby
A few weeks ago, Kaleb participated in his first Pinewood Derby for scouts. He decided he wanted a blue car with the Nintendo Logo on it, and white lightning bolts.
Here we are working on it…wait a minute, do you notice Kaleb is no where to be found? He seemed to only be interested in the finished product…
Finally the big event came….each scout was able to race their cars close to twenty times against different opponents and in different lanes of the track. Kaleb’s car did quite well finishing 1st most of the time, with a few 2nd place finishes.
Kaleb won the award for “Best Game Face” for his pinewood derby car.
Walking with the Dinosaurs
A couple of months ago Kaleb and I were able to go see “Walking with the Dinosaurs”, a show about the dinosaur age. They had life size robotic dinosaurs that are very realistic looking. It was pretty cool, especially since we ended up sitting on the front row. Kaleb really enjoyed the show, but was a bit fearful of hearing the T-Rex roar, but it wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be. Thanks again Grandpa for the tickets. Here are a few photos and videos…
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Mommy and Me Field trip "Animal Farm"
This is Will's first field trip! We went to a free "Animal Farm" ...it wasn't much of one though! It was way too hot but the kids had fun. Will was a tired little boy when it was over. And little Bailey...I just want to eat her up!
Uncle Jayson comes to town!
A few weeks ago my brother Jayson came to visit! He travels around a lot for his job and Phoenix was his stop this time! We had dinner and hung out watching silly reality shows! Thanks for coming big bro!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Pose for the Camera!

I was looking through old pictures and found these Easter ones we never posted. Other than Christmas this is the only time we ask them to dress up and pose for the camera, why cant they be more excited?! Kevin and I did not plan the matching yellow shirts...we just look like 2 big yellow Easter eggs!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Trip to Fresno
For Labor Day weekend we took a trip to Fresno to take Amie's mom back home. On the way we were able to spend half a day at the beach near Santa Monica. It was great, we have not taken the kids to the beach for several years and they absolutely loved it. Kate wasn't too happy about the way the salt water tasted when it splashed in her mouth, but still said it was the "Best day of her life!!". The weather was perfect for the beach. We were glad my sister Theresa was able to meet us there and spend time with us as well. It was a short trip back to Fresno, but the kids had a blast with their cousins again, and we enjoyed seeing and spending time with friends and family that we have not seen since we moved.
Will's B-day...Hooray for #3
Will turned 3 on August 11th. Grandma Ensign was here visiting from California, and Grandpa Bob and Grandma Debbie came over for a little family party to celebrate. When we asked him what kind of cake he wanted he said a pink dinosaur cake....so that's exactly what he got...and he absolutely loved it. (GREAT!!!) I guess on the bright side it wasn't a pink Barbie cake that he wanted. Happy Birthday William.